Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is the “health of the body and the health of the mind through the whole body-mind, body, and spirit.” A number of definitions have been employed over the years for various purposes. One definition considered the Health State as an essential element in the accumulation and development of quality of life. The ultimate goal for every person is health.

Health, as defined by WHO, is: “the well-being of the physical, emotional, mental, and social aspects of an individual at both physiological and psychological levels.” Well-being is important to the existence of a positive self-image, and it has important implications for the maintenance of relationships with others and for work performance and the achievement of aims and objectives. A life well-lived can provide the basis for lasting relationships that lead to a sense of well-being. An individual who is healthy has greater resources available to him or her for the accomplishment of his or her goals and desires. Health maintenance has become a primary objective of many organizations and people are encouraged to achieve this goal.

Some of the components of good health are physical health, psychological health, and emotional health. Physical health refers to a person’s capacity to move and maintain his or her body. Mental health refers to one’s ability to learn and cope with challenges. Emotional health includes one’s capacity to live well with both stress and depression. One’s ability to prevent or reduce the risk of acquiring a range of diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, blood pressure, stroke, osteoporosis, infertility, and asthma, are all components of good health.

There are several theories on the causes of disease. The multifactorial theory of disease assumes that there are multiple causes of a disease in addition to the genetic factor. Because of this, prevention and treatment of both physical and mental disorders rely on a multi-pronged approach. Thus, it is not surprising that some diseases are more prevalent in mentally stressed than physically ill people. It has been established that the prevalence of mental illnesses in society is due to social environments that discourage people from seeking treatment and living with the consequences of their actions. Such social environments include discrimination, violence and lack of job opportunities, financial insecurity and a poor diet.

Another important cause of the development of mental illnesses lies in the lack of stimulation. People deprived of certain activities or events may experience mental disorders. When an individual is deprived of the opportunity to interact with other people, he or she might be unable to cope with challenges. Conversely, people who are exposed to stimulating activities regularly have a higher chance of maintaining good health. Lack of physical activity leads to obesity, a condition that can result to physical health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and some forms of cancer.

The lack of social interaction, the limited exposure to physical exercises and unhealthy diets hinder the body’s ability to develop and maintain its own physiological processes. It is crucial to incorporate the above-mentioned lifestyle changes in order to achieve physical health and mental wellness. The reduction of stress, proper diet, and adequate sleep are some of the key components of this intervention. This way, you will be able to enjoy life without having to worry about the possible onset of any diseases.

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